
  • Before booking your consultation, review the pre-screening questions and if you answered YES to any of these questions you are most likely not eligible for microblading but feel free to contact us for more information.

    You may NOT be a Microblading candidate for the PMU procedure if:

  • You are under the age of 18
    You are pregnant or nursing
    You have skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, undiagnosed rashes, severe acne, sebhorreic dermatitis, wounds within brow
    You have a transmittable blood conditions like HIV and all Hepatitis
    If you consume alcohol, blood thinner medicine or caffeine and THC on day of procedure
    If you are planning to work out within 10 days of healing process.
    If you are currently on antibiotics or took them less than 3 weeks from your procedural date
    If you are diabetics or autoimmune (need to provide a doctor’s note)
    If you have active skin cancer in the area
    If you are undergoing or due to receive radiotherapy or chemotherapy
    If you have hemophilia, severe anemia or healing disorders
    If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure or have/had Mitral Valve Disorder
    If you are on skin medications such as Accutane, Antasure, and other topical steroids
    If you are epileptic or experience active seizures
    If you are prone to hyperpigmentation / or have keloid scarring
    If you currently have PMU and it has not faded

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